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Witching For Grace: Premonition Pointe, Book 1 Page 12
Witching For Grace: Premonition Pointe, Book 1 Read online
Page 12
“Hope, Joy, get in here now,” she called.
“We’re still cleaning up,” Hope answered. “Give us a minute.”
Grace got to her feet, still clutching Lex’s phone, and strode into the kitchen. “It’s important. We have a field trip to make.” She showed them Lex’s phone, and once they read the text, they both dropped what they were doing and headed for the door.
“Aunt Grace, what are you planning?” Lex called, running after them.
“We’re paying Charlie a visit; that’s all.” Grace pulled her black boots on and grabbed her keys. “We have a cat to rescue and a giant ass to kick.”
“Don’t be going all Witches of Eastwick on me!” Lex demanded. “He’s likely all talk anyway. I’m probably overreacting.”
“What if you aren’t?” Joy asked, peering at Lex in that mom way that made it seem as if she could see straight into someone’s soul. “What if something’s happened to the cat? Or what if Bronwyn is there and he won’t let her go?”
Lex’s eyes turned dark blue with emotion. “I’m coming with you.”
“Attagirl,” Hope said, slinging her arm around the younger woman’s shoulders. “Let’s go kick some Charlie butt.”
“I think you should stay here,” Grace said, her protective side coming out in full force. “We don’t know how volatile Charlie is right now.”
“I’m going,” Lex said, holding her ground. “If by some chance Bronwyn is there… I just can’t stay home.”
Grace nodded, understanding that nothing would keep Lex away if someone she loved was in danger. “Okay. Just stick near one of us at all times, all right?”
“Yes, Aunt Grace.” Lex rolled her eyes, but her lips curved up into a tiny smile.
Grace slipped her arm through Lex’s and led the way to her SUV. “Everyone in.”
“Can we call ourselves the Scooby Gang?” Joy asked from the back seat.
“Or the A-Team?” Hope offered.
“What’s the A-Team?” Lex asked.
The other three groaned.
“Never mind,” Grace said. “Before your time. I think we should be the Baywatch Babes.”
Joy chuckled. “Only if I get to be Pamela Anderson.”
“Who?” Lex asked.
“Oh, honey,” Hope said sympathetically as she patted her on the shoulder. “Remind me to introduce you to the show later. You’ll thank me for it.” She turned to Grace. “Baywatch Babes it is. Step on it, girlfriend. We have some ass to kick.”
Grace sped down the street and laughed out loud when Hope tapped her iPhone and suddenly “Goodbye Earl” by the Dixie Chicks started to play through the vehicle’s speakers. It wasn’t long before they all started to sing, “’Cause Earl had to die!”
* * *
“Do you think he’s home?” Grace asked Lex. They were standing in front of Alyssa and Charlie’s small two-bedroom rental. The house was located down a dirt road and was secluded from the neighbors due to the abundance of trees in the area. Grace hated that her sister lived there. If there was ever any foul play, there wouldn’t be anyone to see or hear anything. From a safety standpoint, it was a nightmare.
“Yep. See the taillights of the car peeking out of the carport over there?”
Grace squinted, trying to see through the shadows to the carport. Sure enough, there was something parked there. She just couldn’t tell what make or model it was. Not that it mattered. She didn’t know what Charlie drove anyway. “Yeah. Is that his car?”
“Nope. It’s Mom’s. Charlie’s car was repossessed, so she lets him use it whenever he wants.”
“Your mom bought a second car?” Grace asked, surprised. That was something Alyssa normally would’ve shared with her. “Why didn’t she tell me?”
Lex snorted. “Because she overpaid for the old Mustang and is embarrassed to say anything. She says she wants to get it restored, but she doesn’t have money for that. So it just sits there unless Charlie is driving it.”
“Okay. So we’re working under the impression that he’s here. Now what?” Hope asked. She was peering at the small house with her head tilted to the side. The structure itself was in need of some TLC. It really could’ve used some paint and roof work, and the porch looked to have some rot. But the yard was neat and tidy as if the renters took pride in their home. It was the kind of place that looked like decent, hardworking people lived there, but that the landlord wasn’t willing to spend any money on maintenance.
“I guess Lex can let us in. We can check on the cat and make sure nothing is amiss.” Now that they were standing there, Grace was starting to second-guess her hasty decision to run over there. What exactly were they going to do if Charlie was up to no good? Not that there were any signs of foul play. He’d probably just been drunk when he was texting Lex.
“Let me just do some recon first,” Hope said, waving her arms to gather them into a small circle. Joy took her spot to Hope’s left, and Grace immediately stepped up to complete the circle.
“Can I join?” Lex asked hesitantly.
“Of course you can,” Hope said, moving over to make room. “Have you done any spell work or earth traveling before?”
“No. Mom isn’t really big on the witchcraft.” Lex glanced away, avoiding eye contact with all three of the witches as she added, “She thinks it’s dangerous.”
Grace’s heart ached for her niece. There was so much Alyssa had kept from her in a misguided attempt to shield her from the dangers of the world. She squeezed Lex’s hand and said, “Alyssa thinks what we do is dangerous because she has an addictive personality. What she should say is that witchcraft addiction is dangerous for her. It doesn’t mean that you will suffer the same problem.”
Lex’s eyes widened and then flashed with anger as she scowled. “You mean mom used to practice witchcraft?”
Grace groaned internally. Son of a witchling. She’d thought Alyssa had explained to Lex why she disapproved of using spells. Apparently she’d skipped the whole part about getting addicted to the rush and going on a destructive rampage after Lex’s dad left them when Lex was a baby. No matter how badly she wanted to explain what happened back then, Grace knew she couldn’t be the one to share those stories with her niece. That was something Alyssa needed to do herself. But she still couldn’t lie to her. “Yes, Lex. Your mom used to use her gifts. She has her reasons why she doesn’t now, but I think it’s better if you hear them from her.”
Lex rolled her eyes, clearly unhappy with Grace’s answer. “Of course she does. She always has her reasons.”
“Hey, no,” Grace said gently. “I know you’re going through some stuff with your mom right now. And I’m right here for you for whatever you need, but on this one, you might want to cut her some slack. She did what she needed to do, and I’m sure it isn’t easy for her to talk about.”
Lex pressed her lips together in a thin line and gave her aunt a short nod. “Fine. But that doesn’t mean I’m happy about being left in the dark… again.”
“I know.” Grace reached for her and gave her a big hug. “You have every right to be frustrated. The goddess knows I am too about certain things. But she’s still our family, right? We’ll work through this.”
Lex hugged her back, and when Grace let go, there was steel in Lex’s eyes. “Let’s do this. I’ll feel better when I know Bronwyn isn’t inside.”
Grace really didn’t think she was. Bronwyn’s car wasn’t there, and the odds of her getting into Charlie’s car were zero to none unless he’d somehow managed to trick her. An eerie tingle started at the base of her spine, making Grace suck in a sharp breath. She’d felt that tingle a few times in her life before, and in each case, it was right before something awful happened. “Hope?”
“Yeah?” her friend said.
“Do your spell. Find out who is here and where,” Grace ordered.
“On it.” Hope waved them all back into the circle. “Lex, do me a favor and visualize Charlie. Think of him doing something mundane inside the
house. Something that is habitual, like making coffee or sitting in a certain chair. Can you do that?”
“Yeah,” Lex said.
“Let me know when you’re ready,” Hope said.
A few seconds passed, and then Lex nodded. “Got it.”
Magic shimmered faintly just inside the circle while Hope whispered into the wind, “Goddesses of Premonition Pointe, reveal what’s within the mind. Show us who is present within the walls. Keep us safe; warn us of what lies within.”
The magic moved from the circle to Lex, coating her skin and turning her into an ethereal-like being. Grace thought her niece had never looked so beautiful. The glow came from within and nearly brought tears to Grace’s eyes. There was no mistaking that she had a special natural talent, and if she had a mentor, there was no telling what she’d be able to do. Considering the magic radiating from her was pure white, Grace guessed she’d be really good at healing the soul. If so, it was a rare talent that shouldn’t be hidden away.
“There. I’ve got it,” Hope said. The magic vanished, and the moment was gone. Lex returned to her normal state of being.
“Wow, sweet pea,” Grace said to her niece. “That was incredible. How do you feel?”
“Alive,” she breathed. “Really freakin’ alive. Like I could do anything.”
“It’s the rush of the magic,” Grace said, clutching her hand. “It can be the most wonderful thing in the world if you can control it. If not… Then the consequences can be devastating.”
Lex nodded solemnly. “I can see that.”
“Charlie is the only one in the house,” Hope said quietly.
“Thank the gods,” Lex said, clutching her hand to her chest.
Hope gave her a pained look. “The only human anyway. But the cat? She’s terrified, so we need to get her.”
“Lizzy,” Lex gasped out. “What did he do to her?”
“I don’t know. She’s in the back bedroom, hiding in fear,” Hope said.
“That’s my old room. She was probably looking for me.” Lex gazed at the house. “Where is he?”
“Living room. In a recliner.”
“Right. Passed out?” Lex asked.
“That’s unclear.” Hope frowned. “How do we want to do this? If we sneak in, that’s trespassing. If we knock on the door, he might not let us in.”
“He’ll let me in,” Lex said. “I could just go in and get her.”
“No,” Grace said firmly. “Not after those texts. It’s likely he’s been drinking, and I don’t trust him. Besides, he’s not going to just let you take the cat. She’s one of his bargaining chips to get under your skin. And if he’s been terrifying the cat, who knows what else he’s willing to do?”
“True,” Lex said. “But he’s not going to let you in either. He isn’t a fan.” She grimaced. “Sorry, Grace.”
Grace chuckled. “He’s not my favorite either, so we’re even. How about I go to the door to distract him? Then you guys can find a way into Lex’s old bedroom and get the cat out.”
“Not by yourself,” Hope said. “Joy? Can you help Lex with the cat while I help Grace keep him distracted?”
“Definitely.” Joy slipped her arm through Lex’s and said, “Lead on. We have a cat to rescue.”
Grace watched the two of them round the house and tried to tamp down her fear. Joy was an experienced witch and a fierce mama bear. She’d never let anything happen to Lex. She turned to Hope. “Let’s do this.”
Chapter Sixteen
Grace strode right up to the door and pressed the doorbell three times. She already knew that her sister had the most annoying door chimes in history and snickered when the clanging just kept going, seeming as if the noise were never going to end.
“What the ever-loving fu—” Charlie’s angry voice boomed from within as the door was flung open. He stopped mid-word and let out a growl when he spotted Grace. “What do you want?”
“Is my sister here?” She already knew Alyssa was at work, but she needed to start the conversation somewhere.
“No.” He started to slam the door, but Grace flung a hand out, stopping him.
“When will she be home?” Grace asked, peering at him. His eyes were bloodshot, and he reeked of stale beer and cigarettes. She wondered how long it had been since the man had seen a shower. Why was Alyssa still with him?
“How should I know?” His gaze landed on Hope, and his lips curved up into a creepy smile. “Who’s your friend, Grace? She looks like she’d be fun.”
Grace’s skin started to crawl. She was getting ready to bark out something about keeping his eyeballs to himself, but Hope jumped right in to play along.
She held her hand out. “Hope Anderson. And you are?”
“Someone who wouldn’t mind spending a little time with you,” he replied.
“Charlie, what the hell? You’re living with my sister,” Grace said, barely refraining from kneeing him in the balls. She could hardly believe that the man was flirting with Hope right in front of her.
“Your sister won’t care. In fact, I bet she’d be thrilled if your friend took care of my needs.” He raked his gaze over Hope and then licked his cracked lips. “She’s gone frigid in her old age.”
Frigid? Grace almost laughed. Alyssa was anything but frigid. More likely, she was disgusted with the do-nothing lowlife she lived with who was more trouble than he was worth.
“As flattering as that is, I actually play for the other team,” Hope lied. “Plus, my girlfriend is pretty possessive. I’m sure you know how it is.”
It was exactly the right thing to say to a sleaze like Charlie to keep his attention. His eyes nearly bugged out as he actually wiped drool from the corner of his mouth. “Is she as hot as you are?”
“She’s way better looking than me. I lucked out in that department,” Hope said cheerfully.
“Just like Lex and her hot little piece of ass. What I wouldn’t do to get in the middle of the two of them,” he said, sounding wistful in the creepiest way possible.
Grace’s stomach turned, and a snarl escaped her lips as she said, “That’s your girlfriend’s daughter you’re talking about. Have some respect.”
“I’m not related to any of them,” he said with a shrug.
Heat crawled all over Grace’s body, but she knew it wasn’t a hot flash. No, she was ready to burn the man alive with her magic. She was vibrating with the need to let her magic fly, to take him out with one electrifying bolt. The mental image of him twitching on the ground was so satisfying she felt her lips curl up into a hint of a smile.
Charlie’s hand shot out and grabbed Grace by the throat. “You keep your mouth shut, you old bitch. Alyssa doesn’t need to know about this little chat we’ve had. Got it?”
Grace didn’t hesitate. She let all her pent-up rage loose, sending Charlie flying straight back into the house. He slammed into a wall in the hallway. The man seemed to hang there on the wall for just a moment before he slid to the floor with a moan.
“Damn, Grace,” Hope said with awe in her tone. “That was impressive.”
“Yeah, well, seems ever since the divorce my magic has been supercharged. Too much anger mixed in with my give-no-fucks attitude, and here we are.” She peered in the house at Charlie.
He stirred, and when he opened his eyes and met her gaze, Grace saw nothing but pure insanity. He rose to his feet and began to slowly stalk toward them. Grace stood her ground, ready to do whatever it took to keep him engaged long enough for Lex and Joy to reappear with the cat. But just before Charlie cleared the hallway, Lizzy, the solid white cat, came flying out of nowhere and landed claws first on his face.
“Argh!” Charlie screamed and batted at the cat. She only held on tighter, yowling and hissing as Charlie tried to shake her off.
“Lizzy!” Lex called, running down the hallway after her. When she saw Charlie battling with the cat, Lex let out a low growl just as she grabbed hold of Charlie’s arm and yanked as hard as she could.
a flash of intense white magic filled the hallway, blinding Grace. When she blinked away the spots, she found Lex clutching her cat and Charlie lying flat out on the ground.
“Go!” Grace ordered Lex. “Take the cat and get in the car. I’ll be right there.”
“Grace,” Hope said quietly from behind her. “Come on. Just leave him.”
Grace glanced over her shoulder at her oldest friend. “Take care of Lex. Make sure she and Joy are in the SUV. I’m going to make sure this bastard is still alive.”
Hope chewed on her bottom lip then nodded once. “Be quick.”
“I’m on it.” Grace kneeled down next to Charlie and checked his vitals. His pulse was a little erratic but nothing to be alarmed about, though he did have a large gash over his right eye. She wasn’t sure if it was from the cat or Lex’s burst of magic, but either way, she needed to stop the bleeding.
After quickly finding the first aid kit under the kitchen sink, Grace did her best to clean up the wound and bandage it, but then she went one step further. She placed her hand over the bandage and imagined the skin knitting itself back together.
Charlie’s eyes suddenly popped open, and as if he were possessed, his hand shot out again, this time clutching her hair.
“Ouch, you bastard,” she spat and reached down to grab his crotch. Her fingers tightened around him and twisted as she whispered, “I hope you never get a fully erect penis again, you ugly piece of shit. In fact, I’d be quite satisfied if you walked around frustrated but unable to do anything about it… All. The. Time.”
He howled and let go of her, immediately curling in on himself.
Grace scrambled off of him and quickly backed up while he writhed in pain. “Don’t ever text Lex again. If you do, I’ll go to the cops.”
“You don’t have anything on me,” he ground out, still clutching himself.
“Oh no? You think I’m not aware of the drugs you use or where you get them? Try me, just one time, and I’ll tip off the police.”
Charlie’s face went an even paler shade of white, and Grace felt vindicated. Her bluff had worked. She’d only heard rumors that Charlie did favors for the local drug king in the neighboring town in order to feed a growing habit, but she hadn’t been sure. Now she was certain of it.